The number of articles for each subject (tag) is shown in parentheses. All of the articles published both on the Interpreter Foundation website and in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship are included in this index. To see the just the articles published in the Journal, go to Subject Index under Read the Journal on the menu.
- Laban (1)
- lady (2)
- Laman (3)
- Lamanites (11)
- Lamentations (2)
- lands of inheritance (2)
- language (15)
- Last Supper (1)
- laughter (1)
- law (2)
- law of consecration (3)
- Law of Moses (1)
- laws (2)
- lds (4)
- LDS theology (1)
- lead book (1)
- leadership (6)
- leaving (1)
- lectionary (3)
- lecture (19)
- Lectures on Faith (1)
- legal (1)
- legal procedures (3)
- Lehi (21)
- Lehi's Dream (4)
- Lemuel (3)
- Letters to a Young Mormon (2)
- Letter to a CES Director (2)
- levels analysis (1)
- levites (1)
- Leviticus (1)
- Leviticus 26 (1)
- Liahona (5)
- Libnah (1)
- life sciences (3)
- light (1)
- Light the World (1)
- Limhi (5)
- limited geography model (2)
- lineage (1)
- lineal curses (2)
- lingistic analysis (1)
- linguistic analysis (1)
- linguistics (19)
- linguistic studies (1)
- literacy (1)
- literary allusions (1)
- literary analysis (5)
- literary theory (1)
- literature (1)
- literature and poetry (2)
- liturgy (3)
- Lord’s Supper (1)
- love (3)
- love of God (1)
- loyalty (1)
- Lucy Harris (1)
- Luke (35)
- Lynn Ridenhour (1)