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Nibley Lectures:
Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 43
“There Could Not Be a Happier People”
3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi

This week for Come, Follow Me lesson 43 covering 3 Nephi 27 and 4 Nephi, we have lectures 101 through 104 from Hugh Nibley’s Book of Mormon classes at Brigham Young University, covering 3 Nephi 19 through Mormon 2.

During 1988, 1989, and 1990, Hugh Nibley taught Honors Book of Mormon classes for four semesters at Brigham Young University. The lectures were video-taped and audio cassettes and printed transcripts were made of the lectures. We believe these recordings will be interesting to listen to and valuable to your Come, Follow Me study program this year. Each week, we will include the lectures covering the Book of Mormon chapters being studied that week.

All 112 lectures are immediately available in PDF, audio, video, and electronic formats, as well as in paperback books that are available for purchase. Links for all of the available online sources can be found in the Complete Bibliography for Hugh Nibley at


Lecture 101: Book of Mormon—3 Nephi 19–4 Nephi 1.

Also called “Understanding the Sermon at the Temple; Zion Society.”
It seems that there are wide-ranging implications for our lives and for our understanding of the Book of Mormon, other scripture, the temple, and a lot of other things as a result of our understanding of the Sermon at the Temple.

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Lecture 102: Book of Mormon—4 Nephi 1.

Also called “Zion Society.”
Every book in the Book of Mormon is the most marvelous in the world, but this is really something. They’re all like this, but this is a particularly important book. Of course, I’m referring to that miraculous work, 4 Nephi.

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Lecture 103: Book of Mormon—4 Nephi 1.

Also called “Prayer; Peace; Prosperity.”
A continuation of the previous lecture on 4 Nephi.

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Lecture 104: Book of Mormon—4 Nephi 1:27–Mormon 2.

Also called “Church Growth and Decline; Mormon Leads the Nephites.”
We’re following the sad declension by which the earthly paradise in 4 Nephi declined into the type of living hell which we find in many part of the world today. this is one of the most valuable texts we have in the world. There’s nothing like it. It shows us step by step exactly how it happens.

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