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The Evening and Morning Star

The Evening and Morning Star was the first periodical of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was published starting in June 1832 in Independence, Missouri, until the mob destroyed the printing press, and was continued in Kirtland, Ohio, until September 1834. Each issue consisted of 8 pages and it was published once a month. In October 1831, W.W. Phelps was instructed by a Conference to purchase a printing press, and begin printing a monthly paper in Independence, Missouri (Times and Seasons 5:481). The first issue of the Evening and Morning Star was published at the printing office of W.W. Phelps in June of 1832. Tensions mounted in Missouri between the Saints and the Missourians. On July 20, 1833, a mob demanded that the Evening and Morning Star cease publication. After a brief altercation, the mob broke in and destroyed the printing office and dwelling of W.W. Phelps (Church History 1:315-316). Also destroyed were many of the unfinished copies of the Book of Commandments being printed by W.W. Phelps. Troubles continued to escalate, until the Saints were finally driven out of Jackson County by mob action in November, 1833. A new printing office was established in Kirtland, Ohio, under the ownership of F.G. Williams & Co., with Oliver Cowdery being the chief editor (Times and Seasons 6:850). Publication continued from December 1833 until September 1834, when the Messenger and Advocate periodical was begun.

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